Hemp Licensing. Overgrow the regime.

On the 16th July 2019, we had our hemp licence revoked for producing CBD from the hemp flowers. The UK hemp industry is lagging behind, with mounting concerns towards the hemp licensing regime. It’s time the hemp licensing regime was scrapped and if the government won’t do that then hemp growers will have to go […]
UK Hemp Farm and Co-operative

Hempen Organic is a UK hemp farm that is set up as a worker co-operative. This means that the employees run the co-op, the workforce are also the members and directors. There are a few different types of co-ops! Last week we sat down with Hempen’s Marketing Coordinator, Sophia Lysaczenko and Hempen’s Primary Production Coordinator, […]
Use hemp in your own garden!

Here at the farm, we are BIG fans of compost! And we are always looking for ways to sneak hemp into lives in any way. Here’s how you could use hemp in your own garden too! For compost, we save all our food scraps and tip them into our garden compost heap. There are lots […]
Social Justice in Farming
The Project In January, we launched the Growing Solidarity project. We are fortunate to have the means to be on bountiful land. On the farm we work, live and collectively grow organic food together. We recognise the importance of nature connection. Furthermore, we want to do what we can to provide the same access to others…to […]
Growing hemp at Hempen in 2020

And now, in other non-virus-related news… You may have seen our news from July 2019 about losing our ability to grow hemp. Since then, lots of you have been keen for an update, asking us whether we’ve got our licence to grow hemp back. Well, it’s been rather a long and complex process of legal […]
Changes for the better…

The world we share is rapidly changing. We are watching each day as more news of coronavirus (COVID-19) comes through. It’s the main point of conversation lately. It’s changing the way we live our everyday lives. The plans we made are gone, or on hold, just like that. But can we use this to make […]
Hempen – we’re open
In light of the quickly developing situation, we wanted to fill you in on what the new government advice means for Hempen. In common with most organisations dealing with the effects of COVID-19, Hempen is following government guidelines. Enacting additional hygiene and cleaning standards to our usual procedures. We are proactively working to minimise the […]
The importance of organic farming

“Organically grown”, “farmed organically”, “made with organic ingredients”… these phrases crop up more and more in our everyday, from ads on the underground, to our conversations at the hairdressers. Organic ingredients are present in a whole host of the things we use, from food to wellbeing, clothing to cleaning products. But organic farming is nothing […]
Hemp Crop Destruction July 2019

Watch our video below of the July 2019 Hemp Crop Destruction, as our licence was revoked by the Home Office. To read more about our story, check our blog Hemp Licencing. Overgrow the regime. Join the Grow Hemp Campaign to Overgrow the Hemp Licensing Regime. https://www.hempen.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Insta_Tractor_Donate_FINAL-v3.mp4#t=1 Crop Destruction Video July 2019
£2.4 million in lost potential from hemp

You may have seen our story on the BBC News website yesterday. Its headline shares a figure of our estimated financial loss, just from the retail sales we could have generated from the hemp seed alone, as hemp seed oil and hemp protein powder: “UK hemp farm could lose £200,00 in crop destruction” That is […]