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Hempen – we’re open

In light of the quickly developing situation, we wanted to fill you in on what the new government advice means for Hempen. 

In common with most organisations dealing with the effects of COVID-19, Hempen is following government guidelines. Enacting additional hygiene and cleaning standards to our usual procedures. We are proactively working to minimise the spread of the virus, and promote the wellbeing of our crew.

hygiene crop

Being mindful of many people across the country are benefiting from our products, we are aiming to continue our operations as long as it is safe to do so. This includes continuing to produce our hemp products and retail these online and at markets.

We are only attending Farmers Markets where social distancing is facilitated. This includes limiting the number of people at stalls and 2m distance between people queueing.

Many of our crew are working from home, when possible. Though for many of us, this changes very little, as we mostly live where we work. We have been fortunate to be living in a community and this has helped us to continue our work.

Improving Communication

We’re also putting more people power into ensuring that we can offer the best customer service possible at this time. Our phone line will now be available Monday to Friday. I know, finally! If your having difficulties ordering online or have a question, please do call us. We will also be checking and responding to email queries on shop@hempen.co.uk with increasing regularity. We want to ensure no-one is waiting too long for a response. Thanks for your patience, as we put plans into place.

Customer Service Contact Details:
Telephone 10am-5:30pm Mon-Fri – O7597 2637O2
Email 10am-5:30pm Mon-Fri shop@hempen.co.uk

Farm Life

We have been looking beyond producing our hemp goods. We are reviewing our resources, to harness possible ways to be a supportive presence within our local community.

This will include increasing our capacity to grow food and contributing to a strengthening localised food supply chain. We want to recognise the strategically important position of farmers and land workers to buttress our food supply.

As the situation continues to develop, and we will keep our operations under safety review over the coming weeks.

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We appreciate people’s thoughts and perspectives, we are all learning quickly in the context of this pandemic, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. 

We remain committed to our mission to cultivate locally-grown, organic hemp and through it, build socially just, ecologically sustainable and economically-resilient rural communities, which we believe the nation needs now more than ever.

Love & light, the Hempen community

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