Have you ever asked yourself the question: How much protein do I need to build muscle? Well, you certainly asked the internet, but you probably didn’t expect to end up here…
When people think about protein, they tend to overlook the humble hemp plant. But hemp, as it turns out, is an incredible plant-based full-protein source. Many vegan fitness professionals on social media claim to use Hemp protein to build muscle, alongside other plant based proteins.
But before we get into that, let’s answer the question you came here with.
What is protein, and how much is good for us?
Quick science lesson: protein is a macronutrient that’s essential for good health and building muscle mass. What’s a macronutrient? In the words of BHF dietitian Victoria Taylor, “Macronutrients are the nutrients we need in larger quantities that provide us with energy: in other words, fat, protein and carbohydrate.”
When we digest proteins, they get broken down into amino acids, which the body uses to make more proteins. Certain amino acids are produced by the body, whereas others can only be acquired from our diet – these are known as essential amino acids (remember this for later).
According to Harvard Medical School, the recommended daily allowance for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. Bear in mind, however, that’s the minimum recommendation for a healthy intake, not a precise guideline.
How much protein do I need to build muscle?
Moving past the minimum recommendation for maintaining general health, we get to protein consumption for purposeful growth. But understanding how much protein is necessary for muscle growth isn’t as simple as it might seem. There are different ways to calculate your individual needs, and it can depend on a number of factors.
But in its most simplified form, the equation goes like this: 1.2 – 2 grams of protein of protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day.
More specifically, for healthy individuals with a healthy weight, it’s estimated that men consume 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight, and women consume 1.2 grams per kilogram.
And if you want to dive even deeper, getting as precise as possible, you can always use a macronutrient calculator.
What kind of protein should you consume?
There are many sources of protein, some more effective than others. There are also, as you probably know by now, many protein-based products on the market.
So once you’ve figured out how much protein you need to build muscle, the question then turns to what kind of protein is best. For a long time, the only protein sources that were even considered reasonably effective were animal-based products. Over recent years, however, the power of plant-based proteins has been gaining steady and solid recognition.
But even within the plant-based sphere, hemp protein, for various reasons, has been largely undervalued. Now there’s a chance we may be biased but, leaving aside the fact that our name contains the word “hemp”, let us make a case for the power of hemp protein.

What is hemp protein?
In a nutshell (hempshell?), hemp is an incredibly rich source of plant-based protein.
One vitally important factor when it comes to protein sources is whether they’re complete or incomplete. Complete proteins contain all the essential amino acids that your body needs. Whereas incomplete proteins don’t.
You might have guessed it by now, but hemp is a complete protein! And what’s particularly special about hemp being a complete protein is the fact that not many other plant-based proteins are.
Hemp protein contains about 20 amino acids and, importantly, the 9 essential amino acids.
Not only this, but when you purchase a hemp-based protein product, you can expect to find anything from 30 to 50 percent protein content inside. I know right, that’s a lot of protein.
Why consider hemp?
One compelling reason to consider hemp protein over any other, aside from its status as a complete protein, is its easy digestibility. Proteins are well known to be hard on the digestive tract, and can be difficult to process for many people.
Hemp is more forgiving, and this could be due to the fact that two of the essential acids it contains are edestin and albumin, which are highly digestible.
Often those that normally struggle to digest or absorb protein, will seek out hemp protein powder for its full protein qualities, as it is a protein they can actually absorb. For some who require it, this is the protein of choice always, a good sign that hemp does what the science is telling us, hey.
How much hemp protein powder do I need to build muscle?
Boost your plant-based intake. Add 10g or 1 heaped tablespoon (or more if you would like to) into your loved recipes. We recommend 1 – 3 servings to power up your day! This is to achieve the best amount of protein for your day, this depends on the other forms of protein you consume or the amount of exercise you do throughout the day too!
Why consider hemp?
One compelling reason to consider hemp protein over any other, aside from its status as a complete protein, is its easy digestibility. Proteins are well known to be hard on the digestive tract, and can be difficult to process for many people.
Hemp is more forgiving, and this could be due to the fact that two of the essential acids it contains are edestin and albumin, which are highly digestible.
Often those that normally struggle to digest or absorb protein, will seek out hemp protein powder for its full protein qualities, as it is a protein they can actually absorb. For some who require it, this is the protein of choice always, a good sign that hemp does what the science is telling us, hey.
How much hemp protein powder do I need to build muscle?
Boost your plant-based intake. Add 10g or 1 heaped tablespoon (or more if you would like to) into your loved recipes. We recommend 1 – 3 servings to power up your day! This is to achieve the best amount of protein for your day, this depends on the other forms of protein you consume or the amount of exercise you do throughout the day too!
Hemp protein products
The good news is that you can get your hemp protein from a variety of different products. But when it comes to consuming protein with the specific goal of building muscle, not all hemp products are made equally.
Here at Hempen, we have lots of options to choose from. There is, obviously, the standard choice – the gold standard of the hemp-happy muscle-head: hemp protein powder. Ours weighs in at a whopping 48% complete protein content, and that’s because it’s twice-milled for an extra potent, concentrated product in a finer powder for easier use. Add to smoothies, shakes, juice, porridge, cereals, make raw protein balls, stir into soups, mix into baking…its your choice. We provide the purest 100% organic hemp protein powder, grown locally and ethically.
Next down the line is our hemp flour, which is still very protein-rich (30%). This is a bit more universal in its application. Hemp flour is a great choice if you’re looking to incorporate more protein into your diet in a subtle way. It’s perfect for making bread, pizza, meatless burgers, and muffins. Have a play at adding it often into meals. As this powder is only milled once, you retain all the added benefits of the high fibre content too.
Hemp for health
So now you know a bit more about hemp as a powerful protein source. But we’ve only scratched the surface of the health-boosting potential of hemp products. The hemp seed is one set of nutrients, and the other green flowering parts of the plant contain a complex amount of valuable compounds. To learn more, have a look at our posts on using CBD for skin care and the health benefits of hemp seed oil.