Watch our video below of the July 2019 Hemp Crop Destruction, as our licence was revoked by the Home Office.
To read more about our story, check our blog Hemp Licencing. Overgrow the regime.
Watch our video below of the July 2019 Hemp Crop Destruction, as our licence was revoked by the Home Office.
To read more about our story, check our blog Hemp Licencing. Overgrow the regime.
4 responses
Hi there! I saw the you tube video and read the news about your Licence issues, it is very sad. I would like to help, can we talk by phone, I have a very interesting proposal and it could bring HEMPEN live again.
Hi Naiara,
Thanks for your message. Please email and we can take it from there. Thanks!
Hi. I have just come across your site for the first time while looking for CBD oil for my dog (!!). This is the first I’ve heard that you were forced to destroy your crop this year. I am totally gutted & disgusted that you have been forced, through government hypocrasy as you say, to do this. Looking through your website you seem to be such a lovely group of people doing your best to produce a wonderful product that can help so many people, in an honourable, ethical and sustainable way, that not only benefits us humans & animals, but is great for the environnment too. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the pharmecutical companies are involved in trying to disrupt decent NATURAL health products and provision, as more folk move away from their at times potentially poisonous medications…. Anyway I musn’t rant! I’m buying my first bottle of 300ml CBD oil and have made a donation towards your campaign. Other than that all I can do is wish you all as much positivity and good fortune in your bid to re-instate your licence. i will watch with hope. Namaste. Caroline