What have you been doing to prepare for the season? Have you made changes at home? It’s time to support your winter wellbeing, and so we wanted to share what we have been up to at the farm…
It’s a wonderful season! Furthermore, it’s exciting too, as we are welcoming our hemp seeds into our processing barn at this pivotal moment in the year. We are taking a moment to appreciate the long summer days past, with all the tall plants growing. To be grateful for the bounty the fields have now brought us.
With the harsher winter months arriving fast, it can be a great time to turn inwards and slow down. It’s also an opportunity to take stock of what we have, helping to invest in ourselves. It’s important to get through the colder, darker days with some warmth and light.
Whether you’re an expert or a novice…here are a few of our own winter wellbeing tips to keep the blues at bay.
1. Get prepared!
Storage spaces are cleared, labels are written and jars are filled.
We’ve been organising our food stores to make sure we have all the staples we need. A potential second lockdown, possible Brexit delays, maybe its worth planning ahead. Being smart about what’s in your pantry, is a good way to avoid any surprises or panic buying. This planning therefore ensures there’s still enough for everyone to go around.
It’s also an opportunity to check in with the variation of your diet. Make any modifications if you have diet requirements, and to take the time to reconnect with all the food and nutrients you’ll be needing for good health maintenance.
2. Vitamins
We know how important Vitamin C and D are for keeping our immune systems on top form. Did you know you can get these magic supplements in other ways than eating your weight in oranges?
Our favourite wild-foraged vitamin-stores are elderberries and rosehips. Preserve these beauties as elderberry tincture or in a winter elixir. Take a moment to think about vitamins you might need over winter. Plan ahead to preserve, if fresh produce will be more difficult to access.
We have been out collecting what feels like millions of these elderberries. Somewhat convinced, this is the best way to support your winter wellbeing!
3. Food supplements
CBD can be taken as a food supplement, either in dropper format or our signature organic coconut oil.
Another timely benefit of this cannabinoid, is that when taken regularly as part of a healthy diet, “Cannabis can reduce the virus’ entry points to the body by up to 70 percent.’’
Researchers (and we!) are very excited by this discovery. More time is being invested globally, to better understand these effects. Although it might feel like a luxury, it’s a great reminder to keep up with your regular dose of CBD oil.
4. Stay hydrated
We need to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day! Yep! With more if we exercise. Not a fan of plain old water? It can be hard getting in all those glasses!
Herbal teas are hydrating and a great way to ensure your winter wellness. Be conscious of drinking too much caffeinated or sweetened liquid, as this can be dehydrating.
Water is such a simple way to boost your mood, keep you energised and feeling healthy. We’ve all seen a sad looking plant that needs a drink. Humans aren’t that different!
5. Kraut it up!
Oh, how we love probiotics! We grew a LOT of cabbage this year. So preserving them as sauerkraut and kimchi in extra large jars, was a great way to eat it. Also, this means we get to enjoy vegetables long past autumn.
We make a fresh batch of Kombucha every couple of months, using a second ferment of hemp stem tea mixed with something seasonal. We’ve had elderflower, meadowsweet, even cherry! Our last batch used hemp tea and pressed apples from our apple picking day. Make it all the merrier by getting creative with your winter preserving. We’re very happy to keep a good stock of products by our local fermenters, the wonderful Pama Creations. What’s your favourite fermentation?
6. Plan your planting
If you have any garden space, wonderful! Or even a little veg box on a windowsill or, patio that gets some daylight! Take the natural pause of winter, to then plan your growing calendar.
Most plants are now dormant, but you can still get excited about what will blossom next year. Deepen your connection with the seasons and create space for something you can look forward to.
Honouring the bare soil, feeling the hopefulness of spring to come, can be a great feeling. Even, getting a bit dirty now and then, can boost your immune system as much as all the vitamins in the land!
7. Take a stroll
Head outdoors and embrace the crisp air. Even a short time outside each day can make the world of difference.
Time spent in nature helps us to relax and is great for our mental health over winter. It’s also wonderful for our immune systems as anytime spent under the sun (even a milky one!) helps the body catch natural vitamin D.
Wrap up warm before a gentle walk or get your blood pumping with some faster exercise. The cold weather doesn’t have to be a deterrent, it just means we need to change how we interact with the outside world.
8. Nourish yourself – inside and out! In these colder days with biting wind, it’s important to protect your skin from the winter chill and the dryness that comes with it. Get prepared and support your winter welling practices!
We have the perfect solution to keeping your skin nourished and glowing with our special bundle Nourishing Winter Hemper – nothing quite like a shameless plug for a finale…
What are your ways to support your winter wellbeing? Share your tips with us too! We’d love to hear from you!