The seeds of love! _ Hemp Seeds!

Seeds of love hemp seeds Blog

We are so excited that it is time to sow our Hemp Seeds! 

Yes that’s right, the sowing season for 2019 is underway.

Lit by the stunning sunset, and the flood lights of ‘the world’s best tractor’ (a very sexy beast, if you’re into that kind of thing), powered by high technology, energy, dedication and love, our 2019 seeds went into the ground. 

Before that momentous occasion, with the soil all prepped and ready for the seeds, our beautiful fields lay ready and waiting to nurture this year’s hemp. Soil health is so important when growing anything, which is one reason why we love hemp – it helps to heal the soil. But, it needs some water to thrive – and that’s one thing we can’t control (without irrigation, anyway). Before sowing, we walked the fields with farmer Theo, checking the moisture levels in the soil and hoping for the blessing of rain at the right time – and it came! Would you believe it, the day after planting, mother nature blessed us.

This is such an exciting time of year, we’re so grateful for the opportunity to be able to plant our hemp seeds, watch them grow through the season and of course, for all of our team who have worked so hard to get us here. 

Big love, Hempen family, and here’s to a successful 2019 harvest!

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