Your Donation
At Hempen, we believe hemp to be the most important plant on earth. It promotes many, very different uses for a more sustainable world, which is coming ever closer to breaking point. When you donate, you’re supporting a cause to encourage the growth of hemp here in the UK.
It’s been a collective effort from a lot of individuals who have given time and energy to this cause. Together we have built our entire business and community around a plant that offers humanity a more regenerative and healing path out of the current health, ecological & economic crisis.
Hempen are on a mission to ‘Co-operatively cultivate hemp solutions that enhance the health of people, community and planet.’ Our vision is for a better world, where the full potential of hemp can be readily accessed by all forms of life. As a social enterprise and not-for-profit, Hempen earnings are continually reinvested back into our activities to increase hemp cultivation in the UK.
Worker’s Co-operative
We are also a worker’s co-operative, meaning that long-term employees can volunteer to become members and directors of Hempen, we share ownership and make collective decisions. We are an enterprise owned by our workers, therefore your donations go a long way to support our mission, as we do not seek outside shareholder investment.
About Us
Check out our donations page and our Impact Report on our Hempen About Us page! When you donate to us, you are supporting Hempen on its way to achieving its mission. With love and blessings, we thank you for your contributions.
Why farm hemp?
Industrial hemp cultivation and usage has significant environmental benefits, so many it is hard to list them all. Hemp is a very robust, competitive plant that can out-compete weeds and be grown without the use of pesticides, meaning it can be cultivated harnessing organic practices. It may be of particular interest for farmers to know that when hemp is used in a rotation with other crops, it can help to rejuvenate the soil quality, locking in 5x more carbon than trees. Not to even begin mentioning hemps many green alternative end uses, its roots bind a few tons of carbon into the soil. It’s an ideal carbon sink! One hectare of industrial hemp can absorb 22 tonnes of CO2 per hectare, making it the most efficient annual plant for carbon sequestering.
The Land
Hemp plants are also a real treat for the soil, for many reasons. Their deep-reaching roots strengthen and repair the soil structure, fixing nitrogen and carbon back into the soil from the atmosphere while they’re at it. This makes hemp a very important crop for landowners and farmers, who are looking to integrate a regenerative crop into their circulation. As the climate heats up, it’s becoming imperative to capture carbon in the most effective way, hemp is one of the solutions we should be utilising at this incredibly important time.
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